Paper Distributors:
Gain competitive advantage

Interact with peers, network with industry leaders and learn from the best minds in wholesale distribution.

Membership in NPTA is an investment in personal development and professional enhancement.

Access the NPTA Membership Application with dues schedule.

Think of NPTA as your....

  • Source for leadership wisdom which will enhance your decision-making effectiveness
  • Competitive advantage that will help you to differentiate your firm in the marketplace
  • Community of the brightest minds in paper distribution
  • Opportunity to extract yourself from the daily operation of your business to focus on the "big picture"
  • Professional development forum for your management team
  • Resource for distribution best practices

Definition of a Distributor Member:

A person, firm or corporation in the printing paper industry, maintaining a representative warehouse stock of paper or other products distributed through the printing industry, and engaged in whole or in substantial part in the distribution of the lines of such supplies or products for a period of at least one year in advance of membership.

Why should a distributor join NPTA?

Wholesale paper distributors often are members of several associations. However, in most cases their membership is in support of an important customer segment or product category. NPTA is focused primarily on the paper merchant and offers benefits specifically created to impact your bottom line.

How does NPTA deliver value?

Networking is the most effective means of finding new ideas, solutions to your challenges, best practices and visionary insights that can transform your firm over time. It keeps you thinking strategically and helps to maintain your competitive edge. Networking is essential for innovative paper distribution firms and is simply invaluable for successful distribution executives. One of NPTA's primary objectives is to facilitate effective networking amongst our member executives.

Education comes in many forms at NPTA. You can learn from nationally known thought leaders who present at our events participate in regular webinars, or take advantage of discounts on education resources designed by leading distribution consultants. Depending on your needs, budget and preference, there is sure to be something to meet educational goals for you, as well as your management team and sales force.

Advocacy on behalf of the paper and print industry is essential to the continued strength of print-based communications. NPTA supports Two Sides, and other government relations and advocacy initiatives. Two Sides promotes the responsible production and use of print and paper, dispelling common environmental misconceptions and providing information that supports the continued use of paper as a sustainable communications medium. As a member of the National Association of Wholesale Distributors (NAW), NPTA also supports advocacy on national public policy issues for wholesale distributors.

Trends that impact your firm are crucial to your short and long-term business plans. NPTA serves as a unique and relevant resource for industry data and paper distribution trends through a weekly electronic newsletter; quarterly economic outlook reports; monthly merchant/mill inventory reports; compensation data; and timely market intelligence.


To hear why other industry-leading firms participate in NPTA – directly from top executives – watch our membership video.