Paper Foundation

Paper and Plastics Education Research

PAPER Foundation Goals

  • A forum for paper distributors and their paper suppliers to come together and collectively study, discuss and share information.

  • Anticipate changes that will effect the paper distribution channel.

  • Research paper industry trends and developments.

  • Provide practical research information that will assist paper firms in the distribution of paper products.

  • Improve the relationship between paper distributors and their paper suppliers by addressing the mutual goal of more effective paper distribution.

  • Attract qualified individuals to the paper industry by the improved image, greater understanding and higher profile the Foundation provides.

2021 PAPER Foundation Trustees

Bill Meany

Chairman and Treasurer

President, Lindenmeyr Munroe

Purchase, NY

Bill Garvey

First Vice Chair

President, Athens Paper Company

Nashville, TN

Bob Forsberg

Second Vice Chair

VP Sales & Business Development, Sappi Fine Paper

Birmingham, AL

Anthony MacLeod


Whitman, Breed, Abbott & Morgan

Greenwich, CT

Matt Bruno

Executive Vice President


Chicago, IL



PAPER Foundation Scholarships

Learn more about the PAPER Foundation Scholarship Program.


PAPER Foundation Donation Information

Support in any and all areas is greatly appreciated, and all donations to the PAPER Foundation Scholarship Fund will be acknowledged.

General Donation Information

  • The PAPER Foundation Scholarship Fund accepts donations of any size, amount and in any form of currency.
  • Donations may be in cash, by check payable to the PAPER Foundation Scholarship Fund, by credit card (with certain restrictions), stocks or bonds. Stock or bond donations are handled through the PAPER Foundation's designated firm.
  • Gifts contributed to the PAPER Foundation Scholarship Fund are restricted and can be used by the Foundation for this purpose only.
  • The Fund has been approved by the IRS.
  • All contributions are tax deductible to the donors.
  • Your donation may be ear-marked for the type of scholarship that you would like to support.
  • If the donation is in honor or memory of someone and is $100 or more, the appropriate party will also be sent a memorial card.

Honor the 2019 recipient of the Stanley O. Styles Industry Excellence Award, William “Bill” Meany of Lindenmeyr Munroe, by making a donation to the PAPER Foundation Scholarship Fund.


To make a donation, please print and complete the 2019 form.